Temple attendance

As an active Latter-day Saint, going to the temple is something that I try to do more frequently than not. Usually it’s about once a month or every other month. For some people, that’s a lot, while for others, that might seem pathetic. But that’s the thing about the temple. Attending is something that we are not…

Burned out

…or is it burnt out? Anyway, my husband and I have been feeling the end of summer blues, and not in the “we will miss summer so much, why is ending already” way but in a more parental, “how have people survived summer for so many years and why are my kids fighting so much…

Everyday Thursday

Welcome to another “Everyday Thursday.” Looking back, we had a fairly busy weekend (Friday through Monday), although now I’d say that the week is kind of dragging along. The last week of summer vacation does that to parents, huh? We are so close yet there are still so many days left… Overall, I’d say that it was…