Life is busy, right?

I mean, don’t you ever get overwhelmed with all of the many things you have to do? Who doesn’t? Well, after some deliberation, I am going to be cutting back on the blog a tiny bit, moving from five posts a week to three. 

The days of the week that posts are published will probably vary from week to week, so subscribe if you want to keep up to date and know when a post arrives! I will most likely continue to have “Everyday Thursday” each week, but even that isn’t for sure! Exciting!


I still intend to have “Scripture Snapshots” and “Sketches” as well, but they will probably alternate from week to week. If you have any requests for things (OCD or mental health related) you’d like to see addressed, please comment and let me know! I love requests.

I hope to be able to manage and use my time wisely and get into other writing projects, focus on family, work on my church calling, etc. with my “extra” (ha!) moments.

You’re the best.

Thank you for your support and for being here at all! Stay tuned and don’t forget to look in the archives for other wonderful posts about mental health, book reviews, Mormonism, and life in general.

Do you have any requests for the blog? Any topics you’d love to see covered, or covered more in depth? Any books you’d like me to review before you try them out? Let me know!

One thought on “Update”

  1. How does one come to accept that they have OCD?
    How to cope with internal freak out moments and preventive outward freak out moments toward loved ones.

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