I hope that everyone had a great Christmas, though I know that holidays can be difficult for many with mental health issues. To cheer you up or keep your good mood going (as the case may be), I wanted to share a giveaway for Anxiety Disorders and Mormonism with you.


You can enter either through Facebook or Instagram (follow The OCD Mormon on either of those, or Mental Illness Matters on FB). To be entered into a drawing to win a free ticket to Anxiety Disorders and Mormonism (for you or a friend), find the giveaway post on either (or both) of those platforms and then….

1. Share the photo and link to the ticket website on your Facebook or tag and link to @theocdmormon on Insta
https://ti.to/mental-illness-matters/adam2018 >

2. Make sure that it is public so we can see it too 

3. Comment on the original post with your name and why you’re excited to come to ADAM Conf!

Deadline for sharing is December 31, and the drawing will be on January 1.

Good luck! Odds are pretty good for winning right now 😉