There’s no really good way to say it, so here’s the thing: we’re canceling Anxiety Depression and Mormonism—Teen.
We didn’t really want to cancel it, but we finally decided to face the fact that people either simply didn’t care or didn’t want to come. We’ve watched enough “Shark Tank” to know that if something isn’t working out, you need to, as Mr. Wonderful would say, take it out behind the barn and shoot it.
Okay, maybe that’s a terrible analogy considering the subject matter and I apologize. But the fact is that we are canceling the event and apologize to those who committed time and energy to presenting, promoting, etc.
It’s a difficult thing. Anxiety Disorders and Mormonism back in March was successful in that we sold out and people seemed to get a lot out of it. But still, it was not financially successful. We basically covered our costs and maybe lost a small amount of money. Let’s just say, we weren’t making any money for the hours and hours of time spent planning and organizing the event.
Yes, I know that the Mormon community needs to discuss these issues. We really do. But unfortunately, we are not in a position to fund conferences out of our own pockets to provide that forum (and volunteer all the time that goes into it). Still, we’re so glad we could start discussions and support the growth of new communities to do so. Consider ADAM to have been our gift to the community, and we wish that ADAM—Teen could have been similarly successful.
I hope that the day comes when Mormons are willing to talk about mental health issues openly, especially with our youth. I hope that parents and Church leaders will one day accept that mental health is worth investing in and realize that mental health care is not free and not the same as spiritual health. I hope that others who are trying to raise awareness and help Mormons with mental illness see more success and support than we have!
Of course, we are so grateful for those who have supported us and came to ADAM Conf. Thank you for your time, energy, and willingness to talk about mental health. We need more people like you in the community and world—go out and raise awareness within your own families, wards, and neighborhoods!
Remember—mental illness is not a sin, and you are not alone! Help and hope are possible and real!
K+J Ferguson